Isasa composes and plays music for the acoustic guitar. Since 2015, he has recorded four LPs for the La Castanya label — Las Cosas, Los Días, Insilio, and Isasa. Based in Madrid, Spain, he has toured frequently through Spain, and has also performed throughout Europe, the United States, and uruguay. While Isasa draws inspiration from Spanish musical traditions, his roots run deeply in other directions. From 1993-2003 he played electric guitar in the hardcore metal and math-rock bands, Down For The Count and A Room With A View. After that, he stepped away from guitar playing and live performance to study the trumpet, an instrument that he plays on his most recent LP. But in 2007 he heard Geoff Farina play a Mississippi John Hurt song and rededicated himself to the art and craft of making six steel strings sing. He closely studied the American Primitive Guitar music of John Fahey, Glenn Jones, and Jack Rose, and his first recordings reflect their examples. But the blues, ragas, and reveries on his latest albums show that he has learned their most important lesson; that to turn music into art, one must filter one’s influences through one’s life experiences.